The Project

Art is one of the few things that connect us. It is a medium that allows humans to share bravely, connect authentically, examine closely, learn deeply and act empathetically. This is why we are being intentional about supporting the work of Black artists by commissioning a permanent piece that is an enduring beacon of welcome.

This Fall, we will have several concepts from Black artists for a permanent sculpture or mural, and we are assembling a diverse panel to select the winning design. Serenbe has designated an ideal site for this installation, where we will hold an exhibition and eventually place the final, permanent piece. We look forward to hosting cultural events and meaningful dialogues about race relations as part of this work. We know there is much work to be done in identifying our place in the racial reckoning that is occurring across our country, and see this project as a start. We hold firm that empathy, inclusion, and belonging requires clear, affirmative representation in common spaces.

β€œThe arts have a long and deep history of being a platform for both dialogue and healing, discord, and unity. It maintains a unique and human place in shining a spotlight on inequities and injustice. Art unapologetically holds up the mirror to our society, our actions, our ideals and our fears. Art is the soul of a community.”

Jay Dick, Senior Director of State and Local Government Affairs, Americans for the Arts and Ruby Lopez Harper, Senior Director of Local Arts Advancement, Americans for the Arts.

The Process

  • Invite artists from the Atlanta region to submit concepts for the site

  • Create opportunity for artists to visit Serenbe and the future location of the permanent installation

  • Work as a committee to select a jury of creative professionals who in aggregate is familiar with Serenbe, biophilia, and Black art.

  • Jurists will select three finalists from the initial concepts to submit a more detailed proposal.

  • Jurists will select a final proposal for permanent installation.

Judging Criteria


  • Level of artistic quality of overall concept

  • Well-articulates understanding and approach to the concept which address the considerations and opportunities relative to the site

  • How it conveys a visual declaration of belonging and welcome for Black viewers.

Design Appropriateness

  • Appropriateness to the site in terms of scale, material, texture, and content

  • Consideration of natural features and aesthetic compatibility wit the existing site

  • Durability (permanent) and ease of maintenance

  • Considerate of public safety issues

  • Feasibility of the project.